Discussion Prompt:
Welcome! This week is a 2-part discussion - be sure to address both parts in a single post.
PART 1: Introduce yourself to the class by sharing the following:
Where you will be physically located during the course (if you feel comfortable and are allowed)
Where you work (or hope to work after completing your program)
What you like to do in your spare time
Images of yourself, family, and/or pets (if you feel comfortable)
What topics you are excited about from the syllabus, and why
What topics you are not as excited about from the syllabus, and why
Anything else you'd like to share?
PART 2: Select an existing, active Superfund site to use as your real-world example for the duration of this course and your final project.
You may use a proposed or already listed site, but do not use a site that has completed remediation and been removed from the list.
The lists of sites to select from can be found at the websites below:
Search for Superfund Sites Where You Live
New Proposed NPL Sites and New NPL Sites
After introducing yourself, please introduce us to your site!
Provide a brief summary, in your own words that includes (but is not limited to) the following:
• Why you selected the site
• Where the site is located, including an embedded map
• A summary of the site history that includes
History prior to listing
Company or activities that took place there
Dates it was active
When it was (or proposed to be) listed
A list of 5 most important contaminants of concern organized by media with a brief indication of potential human health impacts (Note: if your site has more than 5 substances listed, use only the 5 most harmful).
Toxic Substances Portal
Current site status
Anything you find lacking or confusing about your site
Any news stories or other information you find from a brief internet search on the site and the major contaminants
Source Attributions
Peer Reply Guidance:
Respond to at least two peers with substantive paragraphs.
Academic Integrity
This discussion aligns with the following:
Course Objectives CO-1, CO-2, CO-3, CO-4, CO-5
Learning Objectives LO-1.2, LO-1.3, LO-2.2, LO-3.1, LO-4.1, LO-5.1