forumEVSP 594 Environmental Toxicology

EVSP 594 Environmental Toxicology Week 4 forum Ecotoxicology

Course:EVSP 594 Environmental Toxicology

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For the weekly discussion, find a recent (within the last year) unique news story about toxic substances and human health from anywhere in the world.

Be sure to summarize the important points of the story and share the link.

Look up each contaminant discussed on the EPA’s Computational Toxicology and Exposure Online Resources Ecotoxicology Knowledgebase, so you have the information you need to make connections with this week's course content.

Be sure to note:

Contaminant(s) Environmental pathways to exposure Biomarkers of exposure, biomarkers of effect, and biomarkers of susceptibility Synergistic or antagonistic effects that might exist

Reflect on the situation surrounding the story.