Question about HRMT 412

Pick a different company Fortune 500 company and answer the following four questions. Company: FedEx What, if anything, can you glean from publicly available information about FedEx's use of variable pay versus fixed pay structures? (If the company does not offer publicly available pay information, you might try looking at employee review sites like to try to get a sense of pay information). Does the company offer incentive pay based on performance? If so, what are the criteria for such incentives? If you were in charge of Human Resources and Workforce Management for the company you selected, how would you approach their pay strategy? Identify at least one thing you like or one thing you would recommend changing about the way the company is doing things now. Be sure to support your decisions with sound reasoning. What, if anything, does the company offer in terms of employee development programs? Do they offer tuition reimbursement or some other type of professional development assistance? If so, what kinds of programs qualify and how much do they cover? If you were in charge of Human Resources and Workforce Management for the company you selected, how would you approach employee development strategy? Identify at least one thing you like or one thing you would recommend changing about the way the company is doing things now. Be sure to support your decisions with sound reasoning. What, if anything, does the company offer in terms of flexible schedules or work conditions? Do they support remote working? Or Flex Time? Or the ROWE? If so, how do these initiatives work at the company? If not, are flexible models like these feasible (at least for some jobs) in the industry in which the company operates? If you were in charge of Human Resources and Workforce Management for the company you selected, how would you approach flexible work paradigms? Identify at least one thing you like or one thing you would recommend changing about the way the company is doing things now. Be sure to support your decisions with sound reasoning. What, if anything, can you glean from publicly available information about the way in which the company considers competencies and credentials in determining pay rates? (If the company does not offer publicly available pay information, you might try looking at employee review sites like to try to get a sense of pay information). Do they publish salary ranges or engage in pay transparency in any way? Do competencies appear to be a factor in pay decisions? If you were in charge of Human Resources and Workforce Management for the company you selected, how would you approach competency-based pay strategy? Identify at least one thing you like or one thing you would recommend changing about the way the company is doing things now. Be sure to support your decisions with sound reasoning. Again, the reason why you are asked to choose a Fortune 500 company is that you are much more likely to find publicly available information for these very large companies insofar as it concerns the parameters of this assignment. Still, some big companies are a bit shy about publishing data related to the way they do things - examples commonly include salary ranges and human resources policies and procedures. That said, do the best you can with your research. A good idea, before choosing a company for this assignment, is to take a look at some different company options and assess how much data is available for you - this will ultimately determine how easy it will be to find the answers you need to guide your work.
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