Course:EDMG 503 Emergency and Disaster Planning and Management
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EDMG Gen-AI Specific Policy:
Before beginning this assignment, be sure to read this EDMG Gen-AI Specific Policy.
The link will provide you with the information needed to properly use AI.
Overview: Begin each assignment by going through the material in the Lessons.
Review all feedback or templates that has been provided to you by the instructor.
Ensure you do not make any repeat errors in your papers.
Points will be heavily deducted, or your paper may be returned for resubmission if you do not show an effort to improve your work.
Reading: Please visit eReserve to read the assignment material for the week.
Assignment: Provide an APA formatted document approximately 1500-words analyzing important concepts in the readings.
EDMG Gen-AI Specific Policy:
Before beginning this assignment, be sure to read this EDMG Gen-AI Specific Policy.
The link will provide you with the information needed to properly use AI.
Overview: Begin each assignment by going through the material in the Lessons.
Review all feedback or templates that has been provided to you by the instructor.
Ensure you do not make any repeat errors in your papers.
Points will be heavily deducted, or your paper may be returned for resubmission if you do not show an effort to improve your work.
Reading: Please visit eReserve to read the assignment material for the week.
Assignment: Provide an APA formatted document approximately 1500-words analyzing important concepts in the readings.
Ensure your apply the discussion points and assume you are writing for an uninformed reader that knows nothing about the topic and has not read what you read.
Provide an introduction that gives the background of the resource that you are reviewing, so the reader will understand what they're reading and why.
Analyze, discuss, and apply the following:
the relationship between the local response, the state response, and the federal response to a disaster to include the presidential disaster declaration system and the Stafford Act
FEMA's Individual Assistance and Public Assistance for programs for recovery
Community Capacity Building for recovery
the purpose of disaster communication and it's assumptions
the elements of an effective disaster communication program
DO NOT list out the topics or questions and answer them.
They are not meant to be all-inclusive, and your reader will not understand the context.
Rather, give an overview of the author's entire body of work, using the topics as guidelines.
Ensure that you meet or exceed the 1500-word target, and that your paper meets APA presentation requirements.
Save the Microsoft Word document as [yourlastnameWkX] (e.g.
SmithWk5-6) and upload the paper to the assignment.
Scroll down and hit 'submit'.
Rubric: Papers will be graded using the APUS graduate rubric, with attention paid to comprehension, depth of knowledge, and clear expression of ideas and arguments.
Additionally, adherence to APA conventions will be required.
Objectives: This assignment supports course objectives: CO-1, CO-2, CO-5