Course:EDMG 503 Emergency and Disaster Planning and Management
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National Preparedness Goal; Whole Community Approach, National Prevention Framework, National Mitigation Framework, and THIRA
Overview: Read and analyze the following five documents located in the eReserves, which is accessible in Reading and Resources: (1) National Preparedness Goal; (2) the Whole Community Approach; (3) the National Prevention Framework; (4) the National Mitigation Framework; and (5) Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Guide.
National Preparedness Goal; Whole Community Approach, National Prevention Framework, National Mitigation Framework, and THIRA
Overview: Read and analyze the following five documents located in the eReserves, which is accessible in Reading and Resources: (1) National Preparedness Goal; (2) the Whole Community Approach; (3) the National Prevention Framework; (4) the National Mitigation Framework; and (5) Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Guide.
Week One: Provide a APA formatted discussion regarding the following:
discuss the specific purpose of each document
discuss the scope of each document
discuss the core capabilities of each document
describe how each document is related in support of emergency disaster management operations
Week Two: Respond to and discuss your postings.
Provide responses that enhance the author's original posting and thought process.
Be sure everyone has at least one response.
Wrap up this discussion by the end of Week 2.
Remember to cite your sources.
Objectives: This discussion supports objectives CO1, CO2, CO5
After you write your first post, respond to two classmates.
First select a classmate who has no responses.
If all classmates have at least one response, you may respond to any two