assignmentSCIN 132 Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology

SCIN 132 Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology Assignment week 3 The Abstract

Course:SCIN 132 Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology

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Assignment 3: The Abstract Attachments: Rubric for Assignment 3 Sample Abstract Assignment Instructions: You have already completed Assignment 2: The Annotated Bibliography.


Assignment 3: The Abstract Attachments: Rubric for Assignment 3 Sample Abstract Assignment Instructions: You have already completed Assignment 2: The Annotated Bibliography.

To further help prepare you for Assignment 4: The Research Paper you will first submit an abstract of the main points of what you will be covering in your paper.

Your Abstract should contain the following parts that are listed below.

Topic Sentence: your abstract must contain one sentence that clearly and concisely introduces the topic of the profile paper.

Content Sentences: your abstract must mention the following five main topics of the profile: Statistics/Epidemiology, Financial Costs, Anatomy & Physiology/ Etiology, Diagnosis/Treatments/ Prognosis,ConclusionsandFindings.