quizzeSCIN 132 Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology

SCIN 132 Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology Week 3 Quiz

Course:SCIN 132 Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology

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Question 1

Which of the following heart tissues is not part of the internal conduction system of the heart? A.

atrioventricular bundle B.

atrioventricular node C.

Purkinje fibers D.

sinoatrial node E.

semilunar valve

Question 2

Which of the following is the largest artery of the systemic circuit? A.

aorta B.

vena cava C.

femoral artery D.

carotid artery E.

pulmonary artery

Question 3

The innermost layer of an artery is known as what? A.

mesothelium B.

endothelium C.

exothelium D.

hyperthelium E.


Question 4

What is the largest artery in the systemic circuit? A.

femoral B.

carotid C.

pulmonary D.

hepatic E.


Question 5

Dr.Fergusonexplainedthatinaconditionknownassitusinversus,theinternalorgansarereversed in their orientation.