forumSCIN 132 Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology

SCIN 132 Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology Week 1 forum

Course:SCIN 132 Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology

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Topic 1: Virtual Introductions and Research Project Choice Please read the full description.

Instructions: As on online student, you construct knowledge not just by completing readings and assignments.


Instructions: As on online student, you construct knowledge not just by completing readings and assignments.

An important part of the process is communicating with fellow learners and learning from what they have to say.

As such, this is the forum where we can learn a little bit about who we are and what we do.

Your first assignment in this course is to write a short biography about yourself.

This is a time to say our virtual hellos and to get to know each other.

This week's introduction forum will focus on the following objectives:

Part 1:

  1. Build peer-to-peer relationships by introducing ourselves and sharing our backgrounds with one another.