Topic 1: Cardiovascular System
You should conduct research on the topic of discussion and use this research to support your answers.
You can use Internet articles, journals, text books, etc.
In fact, I strongly recommend that you utilize the APUS Online Library for your research as they offer a plethora of reliable and pertinent research sources.
You may access the Online Library by clicking on the “Library” link on the menu bar to the left inside the electronic classroom.
However, NEVER use Wikipedia for your research as anyone can alter the information on this site making it a poor source of accurate information.
Be sure to list your references at the end of your post, include in-text citations where applicable, and be sure that both are in APA format.
Topic: Cardiovascular Anatomy and Physiology.
Choose an aspect or part of the cardiovascular system that is covered in the required reading and/or laboratory exercise for the week that interests you and/or that you may be struggling with.
After you have completed your required reading for the week, ask a question related to the current topic.
Be as specific as possible and refer to sources, when needed.
If you have mastered the material and have no questions, choose a current topic, explain it, and describe what learning techniques you used to master the material.
Also you can expand on it by providing example(s) of how it's affected by disease, physical training, or any other outside influence.
Respond to at least two of your classmates’ initial posts with thorough answers to their question.
Use credible scientific sources to support your answer.
Read all posts throughout the week and respond to follow up questions from your classmates or your instructor.
There is no minimum word count for the initial post or responses.
All posts should be written in complete sentences, using correct grammar, spelling, and scientific terminology.
Initial Post Due: Wednesday, by 11:55pm, ET
Responses Due: Sunday, by 11:55pm, ET
Evaluation/Grading of your Forum Assignment
Postings will be evaluated on their quality and the degree to which the postings promote discussion with classmates.
Participation on all Forums is required.
Points are allocated as follows based on the original posting and replies (Total of 100 points).
Original Posting – Content and Analysis (40 points possible).
Your Forum entry should be pertinent to the subject matter and demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the topics discussed with an appropriate introduction, supporting paragraphs, and conclusions.
Don’t forget that your posts should be listed in your own words.
Please refer to the “Plagiarism” policy located inside the APUS classroom under the “Policy” link if you have any questions.
Spelling/Grammar/Punctuation - (10 points possible).
Response to classmates' posts - (40 points possible).
Due by Sunday.
You should respond to a MINIMUM of two of your classmates' original posts such that you propagate further discussion on the topic assigned.
Please note that this portion of the Forum cannot be made up, so make sure you post your responses when due.
If you are away from the course for any reason, when you return, you may submit your original post and receive up to the 50 points allowable; however, you will receive no credit for responding to another student's post because it is after the fact and will be of little value to your classmate.
Creates conversation and community through replies - (10 points possible).
Create a conversation by furthering the point of the original comment or by asking an interesting and related question.
The forum will be evaluated using this rubric.
To post your original entry
- Click the topic title and then "Post a New Thread" .
- Type your name as the "Title" and then type your entry into the space provided (the "Message" box).
- When you are done, perform a spelling/grammar check and then scroll down and hit the "Post Message" button.
To respond to your classmates' posts
- Click on the post you'd like to reply to.
- Click the "Reply" button to the right.
- Type your message in the "Message" box, perform a spelling/grammar check, scroll down and hit the "Post Message" button.